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Current Parents


Set up auto payments for base tuition for the entire school year

Materials Fees

Before- and After-Care

Set up an auto payments for the year, or pay for "drop-in" days for before- and after-care 

You may also drop off a check each month to the black metal lockbox on the gate of the GTHS headquarters (507 E 10th St.), or call the GTHS office on Thursdays to make payments by phone.


  • Please submit all tuition and any fees before the fifth of the month to avoid any potential late fees.

  • Make checks payable to German-Texan Heritage Society in the total amount due for each month.

  • For questions about tuition payments, please reach out to


Information for viewing your yearly contributions to GIS for tax purposes:  

go to My Account and then click on Annual Statements (direct link)


Information for viewing your upcoming schedule of payments:


Log in to your Sawyer account here:

Connect with other GIS families

Complete the form to share contact details with other families at GIS.

You will need to request permission to view the shared contact information list.

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